Custom HTML 404 Pages

First I should note that WordPress, and other content management systems, often have their own provisions for 404 pages.  For this reason this post is for the HTML websites. One thing that is often overlooked with HTML websites is the need of custom 404 pages.  In case you are not familiar with the “404” terminology,…

Free Content Management Systems

Best Free Content Management Systems

There are hundreds of free CMS platforms available.   Of these our “suggested platforms” are our recommendation as the best option for most business websites.  That being said, we’ve also included some other popular options in our “other options” section.  The better CMS platforms generally have large development communities behind them, are extendable, and as an…

HTML Versions

Understanding HTML Versions

For many of us, we’ve seen a steady progression in the quality and types of websites that are presented online.  This progression is a result of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the browsers (Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, etc) defining the features that will be provided for, and the standards for consistency across the browsers.…

Link Building

Best Quality Backlinks

It is unlikely you will find a website high on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) for which the person or team responsible for that placement has not done the necessary competitive research. Effective research requires that you know the sites to target, define their value, and then formulate an inbound linking strategy. For those new…

Twitter for Business

Twitter for Business

Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service, and while not necessary for every business, it can be very effective for companies/organizations that have a steady stream of information that they wish to disseminate to the public, and can be especially effective for creating a “buzz” about a topic, service, or product. As a social…