Custom HTML 404 Pages

First I should note that WordPress, and other content management systems, often have their own provisions for 404 pages.  For this reason this post is for the HTML websites. One thing that is often overlooked with HTML websites is the need of custom 404 pages.  In case you are not familiar with the “404” terminology,…

Link Building

Best Quality Backlinks

It is unlikely you will find a website high on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) for which the person or team responsible for that placement has not done the necessary competitive research. Effective research requires that you know the sites to target, define their value, and then formulate an inbound linking strategy. For those new…

Google SEO ranking factors

Google SEO Ranking Factors

Google SEO ranking factors are known to change from time to time, and it’s not always easy to know what is factored and how.  Yet that being said, as of 2019 the known factors that will influence your website ranking follow, ordered by their importance.  This information was curated from highly credible sources, and includes…

Google Analytics screen on large tablet

Ranking in the Search Engines

I recently received an email question from a WordPress user (David), asking what is needed to rank well in the search engines. David had created his own site using one of the free WordPress themes available using GoDaddy’s WordPress hosting. The important thing to understand is that the search optimization needs of the business/organization should…

Group of business men with post-it notes on chart


A question I am asked often about is the difference of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing).  As you would expect these are related, yet SEO is the on-page optimization of the web pages where as SEM is the marketing methods after the web pages are completed. It is important to remember…

Stop Spam written on hexagon shape

Identifying SEO Spam

If you have a website online you have most likely received unsolicited emails for SEO services; a client recently forwarded me one which he had received that noted problems with his website’s optimization and promised to improve his website’s SEO ranking. I wanted to write this post since many of our clients have questions on…

The word trust over a man walking with red circle border

Proven Search Optimization

SEO Services Should Be Questioned Anyone who has a business website wants to ensure that there website is found easily in Google. A lot of companies promise good SEO results if you pay them a substantial fee each month for their optimization services. The reality is, you don’t need to pay lots of money for…

SEO screen shown on Desktop computer and mobile phone

Best SEO Optimization Techniques

I have written a good deal about the SEO optimization methods that every website should use. On my website submission page I suggested a variety of techniques that can be beneficial to your site ranking. These include: Keyword optimized page titles that are unique for each page with regional specificity Keyword optimized page descriptions (metatag)…