Analytics entered in Google search on phone

New Google Analytics

Tracking user behavior on a website is one of the key components of a good SEO plan. Website tracking with Analytics can let you know many things, such as the number of new and repeat visitors, the visitor location, the Internet browser and device used to view your pages, the landing page (first page visited),…

SEO and Web Optimization

What is needed for SEO?

What is needed for SEO hasn’t really changed all that much in the last few years, and in case you haven’t seen my website submission page I’d suggest at least taking a moment to review it. The link to it is: Our submission page has information both on SEO and site submission, which of…

Getting Client Reviews

A business that gets a lot of positive reviews will have a significant advantage over a business that doesn’t.  This advantage comes about since most review sites are highly ranked and trafficked so having a link on them is great both for SEO value and company exposure; and maybe most importantly, studies have noted that…

The SEO Roller Coaster

Once the first search engines started ranking pages there came about a competition of sorts to rank at the top. If a business wanted to ensure that their website was ranked well they would utilize a variety of search engine optimization techniques, otherwise know as SEO.  Initially the techniques used were all about keyword stacking. …

Bing Places for Business

Not long back Bing changed the name of the “Bing Business Portal” to “Bing Places for Business”, and a while before that Bing removed the “review” part of their “Places” listings.  For this reason you may think that there is little reason to create a listing with them (beyond the standard URL submit) but from…

Yahoo Local Listing (Reviews)

UPDATE: Yahoo Small Business will no longer be providing their own reviews, or their small business marketing dashboard.  The review part of their site is now importing Yelp reviews, and when I visited their page I found this notice: Coming soon! Yahoo Small Business is becoming Luminate from Aabaco Small Business.  Considering that Yahoo has…

SEO – The Big Cup

The one aspect of web design that most clients are interested in is SEO.  Since Google recently updated their search engine algorithm I wanted to include one more post to highlight those SEO practices that are of most importance.  So in short, this is my “SEO Big Cup” post which I hope will be of…

Penguin Update and SEO

Not long back I wrote a post about the Google Penguin 2.0 update and how this is linked to Google+; seeing how this update just came into effect I spent some time doing a bit of additional research — especially important to me since I noted that my own site (which has a well established…

Sitemaps for SEO

A question I am periodically asked is do I need a site-map for my website, and if so, how to create and manage site-maps?  The question of whether one needs a site-map or not is both “yes and no”.  If you don’t use a site-map the search engines will still index your pages over time. …