We understand the importance of keeping business costs down which is why we have kept our development rate to $40/hr. Our hourly rate is less than half of what most other freelance web developers with our experience charge.
When you contact us we’ll provide an estimate range for the expected cost. Our estimate accounts for variable factors:
Commercial theme / template assessment, configuration and customization requirements, industry research, the number and complexity of pages, plugin and 3rd-party app integration, content writing assistance, on-page SEO and ADA provisions, image adjustments, and the cost of resources. To provide an initial estimate we will need an overview of the work to be performed and details on what each page will include. Please contact us if you have questions.

Invoicing and Guarantee
We invoice for our websites in four payments (20%, 30%, 30%, 20%), and monthly payment plans are available for larger websites upon request. Please note that all estimates for development services are defined by the information provided by the client and may change if additional content is requested after an estimate range or quote is provided.
Guarantee: If at any point you are not satisfied with the work being done you are free to cancel the project and all work/resources previously paid for will be provided to you. Additional information on our services is provided on our Web Design page.